What Considerations Should Go Into Your NHS Supply Chain Sustainability Program?
Anyone who’s in charge of procurement within the NHS is responsible for supply chain. This could be as simple as ordering your next box of pens right up to clean energy procurement or building supplies for the next NHS mega structure.
Supply chains are one of the most important levers when considering your impact on the world around you. When looking at the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations to combat climate change, there’s a lot of requirements for progress in supply chains. Even for small businesses, a supply chain is complicated and typically, a supply chain is intrinsically linked to an organization's carbon footprint.
However, it’s critical to consider factors other than climate change when developing supply chain sustainability programmes that engage both direct and sub-tier suppliers to optimise social, financial, and ethical effects. By examining the whole value chain and accepting responsibility for your influence, you will improve your commitment to long-term sustainability.
The aim of collaborating with suppliers is to foster a mutual understanding of sustainability issues and to increase supplier control of their sustainability vision. Customers and shareholders are constantly demanding businesses to consider and handle supply chain impacts.
Businesses and their suppliers can enhance their environmental performance by taking steps across the entire supply chain, from concept to end of life. The Sustainability Partnerships have partnered up with Digital ID who are actively sourcing environmentally synthetic alternatives to their plastic products.
The ‘linear economy' model, also known as ‘take-make-discard,' is still widely used around the world, in which raw materials are used to produce goods that are then discarded after their short lifespans. Audacious companies like Digital ID are taking action on the products through adopting circular economy models that ensure that plastic waste wherever possible is given a new purpose.
If you would like more information on the sustainable products and services from Digital ID please visit their website at www.digitalid.co.uk