Evie Highley Evie Highley

Sustainable Tech in the NHS – Webinar Round-Up

Cutting-edge technology is at the heart of transformation and is engrained in the entire procurement process, from green manufacturing methods and materials used to smart energy usage and production and logistics. For this webinar, we invited the top minds in MedTech and sustainable technology to discuss how technology can forge a new path for the NHS.

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Evie Highley Evie Highley

Earth Day - Climate Change Experts Discussing the NHS, Webinar Round-Up

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated around the world. Climate change is threatening the pillars of sustainable health. It is our mission to help tackle climate change and support the NHS in becoming the world’s first net-zero national health service. For this webinar, we invited a panel of climate change experts from around the globe to discuss the strategies that should be implemented within the NHS to support environmental protection.

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